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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What A Wonderful World

What a Wonderful World
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred(dog say good) night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
are also on the faces of people going by
(I also want to face the)
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
They're really saying I love you.

I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll never know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.

            For this tutorial, we were asked to find a song that has a message in it. After a long discussion, we decided to choose the song entitled What a Wonderful World” that was sing by the late Louis Armstrong
The singer real name was Louis Daniel Armstrong and he was born August 4, 1901New Orleans, in Louisiana, U.S. He died at the age of 69 years old in July 1971 at Corona, Queens, New York City.  During his life, he describes his discovery that this family was also subject to discrimination by "other white folks' nationalities. Louis Armstrong was the grandson of a slave during the time of segregation.
            The reason we choose the song because Louis Armstrong sang it with a lot of hidden message in it. If you look closely on the video, you can see that Louis Armstrong sang the song with funny facial expression. This is to mock the white society who have being oppressed the black people during that time. He also changed the lyric from “Dark sacred night” to “dog say good night”. This is because during those days, the balck people had curfew meaning that black people have to stay at home during the night. The “Dog” in the lyric refers to policemen who always patrolling the neighborhoods of the black people.
            As a conclusion, we should never look down at other people. All people should be treated as equal despite the color of their skin. There are only one world for us to live for, if all people start hating each other, there will be no place for us to live peacefully.

Winston Churchill & Adolf Hitler: Great leaders with Great Speech

Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill is well-known in British region while Adolf Hitler is well-known in the world for World War II that he started. Both of these historic figures have similarities when we look at their speeches.

            We can see that Churchill and Hitler are very persuasive. We can clearly see that both of them used the pronoun “I” a lot during the first part of their speech to show their superiority. Then, they also used the pronoun ‘we’ as to show that they are united as ones. This is shows in Hitler’s speech, “we are now standing on this continent and from where we stand nobody will be able to remove us again.” Both of them were also very confident when delivering their respective speech because there are no fillers at all when they giving the speech.
Adolf Hitler
            Both of the leaders also condemn their enemies because they wanted to show their superiority. Churchill condemned France and Belgium for losing the war with the Germany and not having strong armies like England. Hitler also condemned England by saying that they went to war because of country like England who took advantages of other country. By condemning others, you can show superiority and gain support from the people because they believe that on the right side and fighting for a noble cause.
            As conclusion, we can say that both of the leaders are expert when delivering their speech. They managed to gain supports and motivate their people with their speech. As a future teacher, I need the skill to persuade my students to give full commitment in their studies. By being persuasive, a teacher can change their students into a better person.

Animal Farm The Animated: Long live the Pigs!!

This cartoon is basically created based on the novel The Animal Farm by George Orwell. This animation is about how animals in a farm overthrown their owner and took over the farm for themselves.

            It started with Old Major giving speech on about rebellion and how the animals will stand as one and rule over the world. Here, we can see Old Major was acting as a revolutionist by giving a speech that can give his fellow animals the motivation to unite and stand against the cruelty of humans. Snowball and Napoleon lead the attack on the owner of the farm, Mr. Jones after they have enough of his cruelty to the animals. After the owner was overthrown, Snowball created the seven commandments for the animals to follow but the lust for power fill Napoleon with jealousy over Snowball. Napoleon overthrown Snowball and became the dictator of the Animal Farms. At the end of the story, the animal had enough with Napoleon and decided to overthrown him.
            The main issue that I want to highlight in the story is about how the author portrayed the human’s nature in a form of pigs. We can see how Old Major is portrayed as a revolutionist when he was giving his speech about rebellion and how the animals will rule over the world. This speech had given a deep impression to the animals that heard the speech. Then, we have Snowball who can say a leader of democracy where he thinks about his fellow animals. He tried to give his best in creating a better life for the animals in the animal farm. We also have Napoleon, where he was portrayed as a dictator. He did everything in his power to overthrown Snowball because he was lust for power.
              As a conclusion, we need to act not only for ourselves but also for the sake of other people. We need to think positively and not to be jealous of other people. Never let lust to cloud our judgments because it will lead to disaster in the future.

Mona Lisa Smile

            Mona Lisa Smile was the third movie that Dr. Jaya had us watched. This movie is about a female teacher who gets to go to teach in an all-girl school. While she was there, she faced a lot of difficulties not only with the students but also with other people around her.
            For me, this movie is quite dull. It is not as interesting as the previous movies that we watched during Dr. Jaya’s class but still it still have a few points that can be useful to us as a future teacher. One of them is how a teacher can be the agent of change. In the movie, we can see how Katherine tried to change her students view on women’s role in the society. As a teacher, we need to have the ability to change our students into a better person.
            For me, this movie taught me how determination can overcome the problems that we have to face. In the movie, we can see how Katherine is determined to change her students. Even though, she faced a lot of difficulties, but because of her determination, she managed to touch the heart of her students.

            It is hard for me to find my previous teachers that had the same qualities of Katherine just like in the movie. This is because all of them are great teachers which change my life to become a better person. I will never forget about how they change me into a better person and I will do the same for my students in the future.