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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Great Injustice and The Merry Maid

            Nowadays, we always read in the newspaper about disposal of babies and how lot of teenagers that had done abortion. This is outrageous. We should be ashamed of these teenagers that didn’t think even once about the consequences of their decision to abort or dispose the baby. After reading the short story A great Injustice and The Merry Maid, our group come up with a stand “Abortion is not the best solution for children born out of wedlock”

            The first reason we come up with this stand because there are another way in solving the problem rather that just to abort the baby. Abortion is a sin because we have killed an innocent life so we must do everything possible to avoid abortion. One of the solutions is to have the family to help in taking care of the child. This is shown in the story A Great Injustice where Ah Nya’s mother was willing to take care of Ah Nya’s child,”I’ll look after you and the baby, said her mother”.
            Second, if the unmarried couple stumbled upon unwanted pregnancy, they can always have their children to be adopted. They are a lot of unfortunate couple that didn’t have any children no matter how hard they tried. So, it is good to have them adopted the child rather than to do the abortion. This is show in the story The Merry Maid where Datin adopted Sakinah because for her, Sakinah was a blessing from the god to her who still didn’t have children at that time. Lakshmi made a good decision to leave her daughter into the care of Datin, “She had abandoned the child, her ‘love child’, on the doorstep of the big house that she had selected during the later stages of her pregnancy”.
            As a conclusion, abortion is not the only solution for child that born out of wedlock. Abortion will not only kill the baby but also will hurt the mother. Abortion should not be practiced in civilized country as it is against the human’s right.

1 comment:

  1. i am totally agree with you as abortion is not the only solution for child that born out of wedlock. we know that abortion can be legal if the purpose of doing it is has a strong reason such as in the situation when the mother are dealing with death. this shows how bad is to do the abortion, this may be the shortest way in solving problem but it will lead to the bigger problem such as health problem. it seems that the best way in solving a problem is to be aware and to think on the consequences of what will happen next.
