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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Akeelah and the Bee

           There are a lot of things that I still need to learn before I could become a good English teacher. Some of the “things” that I need to learn, I could learn it from the movies. There are a lot of movies that show good characteristics of a teacher and one of them is Akeelah and the Bee.
            For me, this movie is more than just an entertainment. There are a lot of things that I can learn from this movie. As instance, in the movie, there is a scene where Akeelah’s instructor told Akeelah to memorize her words while she was skipping. This shows that a teacher must be creative in order to create suitable learning methods for their students. This is because different student needs different learning style and it is up to the teacher to create suitable learning methods for their students.
            This movie also show us how the teacher determined to see her student, Akeelah does well in the spelling competition. This somewhat had motivated me. As a teacher, I should not lose hope on my students. I must help them in every possible ways in order to see them succeed in the future.
            This movie reminds me on one of my English teacher that used to teach me, her name was Pn. Noraini. I never like English in the first place, but because of her, I’m starting to like English. She always gives her best whenever she was teaching us. She let us to use our imagination when we were writing essay. She never scold us if we made mistakes because for her, learnt from mistakes is the best way to improve one’s self.
            This story also teaches me something important. It shows me that every student is special. Every student has their own potential to be a successful person. it is the teachers responsibility to tap into the student’s talent pools and bring out the best of them. As a future teacher, I will try my best to educate my students so they will become a successful person in the future.


  1. Moral courage is the ability to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, or discouragement. I can see that Akeelah is a child with a special abilty, she can be described as a brilliant student of the school and she impressed me when i watched this movie. She is one that lives with a normal life but she herself has her own life, the life that she wanted as she has the special ability. I admire her because she is a person who has to deal with many problems not only in school she also has a problem with her own family. For me, she is truly a child with a special ability.

  2. the movie has benefited us a lot as as future teachers. as what u said, a teacher must be creative in order to create suitable learning methods for their students, like in this story the teacher asked Akeela to do the skipping. the determination of a teacher also important, we should not give up educating the younger generation to give them a better future. ihope u also will become a teacher which have the criterias that u mentioned in this entry. good luck my fellow teachers!
    mohd faiz bin mohd noor 150141
