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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Winston Churchill & Adolf Hitler: Great leaders with Great Speech

Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill is well-known in British region while Adolf Hitler is well-known in the world for World War II that he started. Both of these historic figures have similarities when we look at their speeches.

            We can see that Churchill and Hitler are very persuasive. We can clearly see that both of them used the pronoun “I” a lot during the first part of their speech to show their superiority. Then, they also used the pronoun ‘we’ as to show that they are united as ones. This is shows in Hitler’s speech, “we are now standing on this continent and from where we stand nobody will be able to remove us again.” Both of them were also very confident when delivering their respective speech because there are no fillers at all when they giving the speech.
Adolf Hitler
            Both of the leaders also condemn their enemies because they wanted to show their superiority. Churchill condemned France and Belgium for losing the war with the Germany and not having strong armies like England. Hitler also condemned England by saying that they went to war because of country like England who took advantages of other country. By condemning others, you can show superiority and gain support from the people because they believe that on the right side and fighting for a noble cause.
            As conclusion, we can say that both of the leaders are expert when delivering their speech. They managed to gain supports and motivate their people with their speech. As a future teacher, I need the skill to persuade my students to give full commitment in their studies. By being persuasive, a teacher can change their students into a better person.

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