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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Animal Farm The Animated: Long live the Pigs!!

This cartoon is basically created based on the novel The Animal Farm by George Orwell. This animation is about how animals in a farm overthrown their owner and took over the farm for themselves.

            It started with Old Major giving speech on about rebellion and how the animals will stand as one and rule over the world. Here, we can see Old Major was acting as a revolutionist by giving a speech that can give his fellow animals the motivation to unite and stand against the cruelty of humans. Snowball and Napoleon lead the attack on the owner of the farm, Mr. Jones after they have enough of his cruelty to the animals. After the owner was overthrown, Snowball created the seven commandments for the animals to follow but the lust for power fill Napoleon with jealousy over Snowball. Napoleon overthrown Snowball and became the dictator of the Animal Farms. At the end of the story, the animal had enough with Napoleon and decided to overthrown him.
            The main issue that I want to highlight in the story is about how the author portrayed the human’s nature in a form of pigs. We can see how Old Major is portrayed as a revolutionist when he was giving his speech about rebellion and how the animals will rule over the world. This speech had given a deep impression to the animals that heard the speech. Then, we have Snowball who can say a leader of democracy where he thinks about his fellow animals. He tried to give his best in creating a better life for the animals in the animal farm. We also have Napoleon, where he was portrayed as a dictator. He did everything in his power to overthrown Snowball because he was lust for power.
              As a conclusion, we need to act not only for ourselves but also for the sake of other people. We need to think positively and not to be jealous of other people. Never let lust to cloud our judgments because it will lead to disaster in the future.

1 comment:

  1. In this new era, the world are getting crazy with people who wanted to be a leader and wanted to rule the world.People become greedy and wanted to rule over everything. As the society, we are to choose the right and the best leader for the sake of our own future. the leader represent the society and they are the one who is responsible in deciding the future. to a brighter future you need a brighter and brilliant leader.
