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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lean On Me

            This is the second movie that we watch during Dr. Jaya’s class. Frankly speaking, this is one of the best movies about teacher that I ever watched. This movie is about a principal named Clark who was desperately trying to change a school that was well known for its delinquent into a school that can be respected not only for its disciplinary but also its academics.
            Just like any other movies, this movie also was for entertainment purposes, but despite that, we can learn a lot from the movie. This movie made me think for a while, what kind of school will I get when I finished my study? This question keeps popping in my head as I watched the movie. This is because I might be a “lucky” person to be transferred into a school just exactly like in the movie. I might be transferred into a school that full with delinquents. What I will do then? As a teacher, I need to learn how to cope with various students that I will be teaching especially the delinquents because they are known to rebels and I need to know how to get close to them and attract them to learn.
            Principal Clark reminds me of my previous school’s principal, En. Abdul Razak or more known to the students as “Pak Jak”. He is like Principal Clark in a way. He is quite a strict person. I once saw him slap my friend because he was caught for smoking. I also can still remember the time where my friends and I were hiding from him because we didn’t want to go to the assembly. We were lucky at that time he didn’t check into the store room because we were hiding in there. I think it is good for a principal to be strict. This is to make sure that the students know who is “in charge” when they in the school.
            This movie taught me that people can change. Just like in the story, we can see that the students can change if we give them a second chance. Principal Clark used a lot of methods in changing his students into a better person. We as the teacher must know how to mold our students into becoming a person that will be successful in the future.

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